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  • Why not simply ask people what they think about a brand?

Questions we get a lot

Why not simply ask people what they think about a brand?

We wish it was that easy. There’s a time and a place for surveys and focus groups, but they are rather misleading in deciphering the true reasons why people buy.

Of about 95% of their purchases, consumers either aren’t able or willing to put their true buying motives in words. A certain product simple feels like the best choice, which is only rationalized after the fact.

Brand identity is the force driving most purchases of fast moving consumer products. That identity is shaped by a network mental associations that rarely reach consciousness, yet have a profound impact on a brand’s sales. Amsterbrand’s implicit research methods are able to discern the strength of any brand association.

Let's chat

We never seize to be amazed by the scope and possibilities that implicit marketing research brings to the table. It's a true game-changer.

When you're interested, we'd love to meet and chat about how your brand may benefit.